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No. Any order would work.

Compiling and Running the Program
(Separate Source Files)

A better way to organize the program is to put each class and interface into its own file. If this is done, each class can be made public.

//File: Taxable.java
interface Taxable

//File: Goods.java
public class Goods

//File: Food.java
public class Food extends Goods

//File: Toy.java
public class Toy extends Goods implements Taxable

//File: Book.java
public class Book extends Goods implements Taxable

//File: Store.java
public class Store

Compile and run in the usual way. The Java compiler looks for and compiles all the files it needs to compile Store.java. The interface, also, compiles into a separate file, Taxable.class

C:\Temp>javac Store.java
C:\Temp>java Store
item: bubble bath price: 1.4
item: ox tails price: 4.45
calories: 1500.0
item: Legos price: 54.45
minimum age: 8
Tax is: 3.267

item: Emma price: 24.95
author: Austen
Tax is: 1.4969999999999999


08/22/2014  07:52 AM     811 Book.class
08/22/2014  07:47 AM     347 Book.java
08/22/2014  07:53 AM     708 Food.class
08/22/2014  07:52 AM     265 Food.java
08/22/2014  07:52 AM     750 Goods.class
08/22/2014  07:46 AM     355 Goods.java
08/22/2014  07:53 AM   1,157 Store.class
08/22/2014  07:44 AM     504 Store.java
08/22/2014  07:52 AM    179 Taxable.class
08/22/2014  07:50 AM    200 Taxable.java
08/22/2014  07:52 AM    825 Toy.class
08/22/2014  07:52 AM    443 Toy.java
       12 File(s)          6,544 bytes
